This lists 100 'random' names generated by the MUD. These are
made by putting together fragments that are commonly in names.
(It's just a simple random fantasy name generator.)
They're listed without checking if they're allowed or banned
or not, so not all names coming from this are valid.
I've seen words come up as results on this quite a few times.
Today, I saw "Thorn" and "Card", for example.
Refresh the page to generate a new list of names.
Adrglendus Telania Seinia Ethhimlgrin Agrilasean
Glcentha Ahiawyr Agroetlan Miriatha Afeliv
Adwgaloth Faonydd Thirelin Rheladon Weabard
Cgap Agrovudd Thglengia Velawin Prorelith
Olunwan Sevoalath Drjalnnor Lothbriwyn Ariiracal
Ibob Legaoik Frales Croinnor Etayv
Rirenia Chirash Grbridan Fewyr Nyderap
Formia Dreligan Nydoemos Ibaeb Analidan
Aew Ybiwyr Arhowyn Thirard Gwenik
Cadaennor Adreiwyr Eowbrimia Etiractred Ndolvan
Jeriradon Lotheramia Onbrir Drarevin Koesh
Fgaek Thdelvin Aroawin Trerap Sfrnnor
Quoam Cuc Pirevahl Araarenyth Anhotlan
Crgaf Anilagia Ahiewin Wdolt Kedcenmas
Glganad Etglenl Triap Ariocal Wiradric
Bdolnnor Denidd Oceiand Aseamos Noemas
Bralea Afigolin Afigogor Rinydd Wod
Cendad Quybia Ziraek Aaywyr Wdarwin
Acoetlan Ceann Eowerraik Etheath Ccrewyn
Pelamia Prgacan Etiralith Kearia Hautha
Other places to help you make up a name:
Fantasy Name Generators