Packages: Char - data about your character Debug - shows GMCP messages as regular text External.Discord - Mudlet lets you set your status on Discord Grapevine - used by the Grapevine web client Beip.Stats - used by BeipMU
You can type 'gmcp' to see which are enabled. Messages the game might send to you as of this writing: Char.Cur - things that change often .hp .sp Char.Max - maximums .hp .sp Char.Info - things that rarely change .name .race .gender .trait .clan Char.Stats - stats .str .vit .int .dex .wil .wis Char.BaseStats - stats before modifications .str .vit .int .dex .wil .wis Char.Cond - array of strings listing your current conditions, using the tags Char.Exp - experience, jp, life & class levels, values for levels .xp .jp .lvl .clvl .lastxp .nextxp .lastjp .nextjp External.Discord - values for Discord Rich Presence supported by Mudlet 3.14+ Client.GUI - notifies Mudlet about plugin available Grapevine.g - variables for the Grapevine web client to do progress bar .xp .xpnext .jp .jpnext .name .hp .sp .maxhp .maxsp Beip.Stats - values and presentation data for a graphical window in BeipMU
Others will be added later.
As of this writing, most GMCP data is not sent upon change but instead at the next heartbeat. So currently there are delays which will improve later when we move it out of heartbeat. |