The Eternal Fantasy: Help [commands/score]

                             * Score Command Help *
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE ETERNAL FANTASY USER HELP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
***** The score command will show you your current hit points, spell *****
***** points, statistics, and wealth. *****
Personal Info shows your name, race, gender, and age, common to everyone.
Getting a spouse, or joining a clan generally come later in the game.

The classes section shows you your Primary Class, from which you derive your
armor and weapons usable abilities. This class is also the one all of your JP is
going into. This also displays your secondary class, from which you can use
its spells and skills.

Vital Information:
Life Level - Life Levels are gained through XP. Your "NEXT" will decrease to
0, at which time, you will gain a life level. Levels above 99 are still gained
through XP, but do not increase your stats.

Class Level indicates the class level for your Primary Class. JP is your
current total JP for that class, and Next, is how much you need to gain
a class level. Maximum class level is 99.

HP Current/Max, MP Current/Max, and Sobriety are shown next.

Kills/Deaths are based on fights with NPCs. (K/D being the ratio of killing
NPCs to dying to them) Pkills/pdeaths and PK/PD ratio are based on Player

Stats Next:
The 6 stats are shown as: Modified stat (Base stat)
Example: Strength: 189 (170) Would mean you have a base strength of
170, but your equipment has increased it to 189. Joining classes is based on
BASE stats.

Gil displays how much you have with you, stored in the bank, and total.
Syntax: score

See also: qscore