On since: Thu Jan 16 11:33:04 2025
Login name : Enker Real name : Brent Wynkoop
Status : Admin Domain : Aradian (elder esper)
Spouse : None
Web Page : None
E-mail : Not viewable from WWW.
Mud mail : [ Unread : 0 Total : 20 ]
Projects: 1. Red Squire, Red Knight, swordspells in general.
Status: Most swordspells coded, still need to do blowup and create techs.
2. Overhaul (read: simplify to logical progressions) formulas on here.
Status: Have done a few npc skills along these lines, like Sandstorm.
3. Make understanding the way stats work easier.
Status: Have...done a few docs here and there.
4. Make NPCs around Narshe talk more, and any important, publically accessible
npc needs a list function for at least some generic, all-else-fails responses.
Status: Elder needs a list. Still working on other crap, though.
Topic of vote was: When the world finally unites as a singular nation, what should be its lingua franca?
Results of the vote are as follows:
1 (English. Everybody and their dog speaks it now!): 1
2 (French. Everybody and their dog in that hellhole called Africa, as well as in that shitpot called France, and in a few other places of note speaks it!): 1
3 (Chinese. One fifth of the world speaks it! And about five hundred dialects of it! Gotta learn them all! Why are you loading that gun? Wait...please...don't...!): 0
4 (Latin. It's dead, but everything and their dog is based upon it.): 0
5 (Engrish. You understand by people in many many place! Women you pick up!): 0
6 (Japanese. Kamehameha kusotare yareyare hai iie yamete ahh ahh ahh iku yoooo! ^.-): 1
7 (Japanese. As spoken by people that kill themselves if they don't learn sixteen languages in the first grade.): 0
8 (Antediluvian. Nobody knows how the fuck it went, but we can at least pretend!): 1
The winner was #8 (Antediluvian. Nobody knows how the fuck it went, but we can at least pretend!) with 1 vote
All too true:
Narol oocs: The two factions in WoW are called Horde and Alliance. The two
factions in FFXI are called English and Japanese.