The Eternal Fantasy: Help [conditions/battle]

                         .: Help Conditions Battle :.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ETERNAL FANTASY USER HELP]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
These conditions are the status effects you can find on equipment but do you
know you can get them from spells to?
target_up - increases the hitchance of physical attacks
target_down - decreases the hitchance of physical attacks
power_up - increases the power of physical attacks
power_down - decreases the power of physical attacks
evade_up - increases the chances of dodging melee
evade_down - decreases the chances of dodging melee
absorb_up - increases the absorption of melee
absorb_down - decreases the absorption of melee
parry_up - increases the chances of blocking melee
parry_down - decreases the chances of blocking melee
m_target_up - increases the hitchance of magical attacks
m_target_down - decreases the hitchance of magical attacks
m_power_up - increases the power of offensive/healing magic
m_power_down - decreases the power of offensive/healing magic
m_evade_up - increases the chances of dodging offensive magic
m_evade_down - decreases the chances of dodging offensive magic
m_absorb_up - increases the absorption of offensive magic
m_absorb_down - decreases the absorption of offensive magic
battle_speed_up - increases your attack speed
battle_speed_down - decreases your attack speed
critical_up - increases critical hit rate
critical_down - decreases critical hit rate
counter_up - increases counterattack rate
counter_down - decreases counterattack rate
double_attack_up - increases rate of attacking twice
double_attack_down- decreases rate of attacking twice